
Eleven Months!

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Here we are and SO close to the big day in mere weeks!  Oh Rafferty, you screeching, silly boy!  We've spent a good amount away from home these last few weeks and we've done a lot of growing while gone.  If I haven't noticed things about you, other people have pointed them out to me and it usually makes me laugh when brought to my attention, minus those times you've attempted to consume something that might kill you or stick your finger in a shock zone.  One big thing brought to my attention recently is your unique cry for help, attention, food, your way, etc.  The people who have so graciously taken us in and have been woken up in the wee hours of the morning by a blood curdling cry/screech, have pointed out to me that you sound like a..... pterodactyl.  I never quite noticed that it was anything but annoying, but yes, yes, indeed, you sound like a prehistoric bird, or the ones portrayed in the movies, at least.  And something else pointed out to me is that the minute you let out this insane screech, I typically do anything, everything to make it stop because it is SO very loud.  Poor people.  So yes, I've been spoiling you, reinforcing this behavior and now what am I gonna do?!!!  When you're really upset, you will cry in a slightly more normal fashion, but for those moments that are not truly pressing, you'll immediately resort to the screech and instantly get your way. Geeze, I hope you're normal. 

Of course, you're still big, big, big.  I have a feeling you're about 27 pounds now and am anxious to see the scale at your appointment next week.  You are eating a variety of foods now and when I say variety, I mean variety.  You've sampled quite a bit and not all of it has been nutritious while we've been away from home in my desperate attempts to keep you occupied while out and about.  You like most things but grow tired of the mushy stuff from time to time.  I think we'll be on to table food exclusively very soon.  You're just so big and have a big appetite, as always. 

Your sleep schedule is still up and down.  I think you love cuddling with mom and dad best and so waking us up in the morning with a screech is how you get us to get you for a quick feeding so we might sleep an hour or two more.

You still love to play with balls most of all or take whatever someone else has away from them.  Your poor baby cousin, he's been bullied this past week.  Oh, Mr. Moose, what will we do with you? 

But seriously, we adore you as much now as we did yesterday.  We look forward to all of your milestones.  You make us laugh with your antics and we're constantly reminded of how quickly time flies when we see you growing so much everyday.  We love you Raf, pterodactyl screech and all.

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