
Imogen Loses 1st Tooth, Gets Visit from Lichen Cornglimmer

Yep! Little Immy has ALREADY lost her first tooth! It had been VERY loose for over a week but the day after her fifth birthday she just pushed it out with her tongue. She was SO proud, of course! She anxiously awaited a visit from the Tooth Fairy last night and this morning she found that Lichen Cornglimmer left her, and I quote, "five pieces of money, mommy!" and a note written in silver, as all tooth fairies do in this house. We all got a laugh out of the name, of course and I promise you it's only half random. It's amazing what name generators you can find on the net. You type in your kids name, they spit out a most ridiculous name for your fairy. Since we couldn't think of something as good as Hadley's fairy, Matilda-Kate, we gave up and relied on the generator. So, here she is, growing like crazy with one of her teeny, tiny teeth already gone. Wow!
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