
10 months

He's SO busy, he is! He can't be bothered to get pictures on many days either. He's everywhere! He's into everything! He loves to move and he does it quickly. He's finally cruising on furniture now. He's a bit timid with it but he's doing it. I originally thought he'd walk early but now, I think he'll walk at about twelve months or later. He loves to play with any type of ball though. He loves rolling them across the floor and chasing after them most. His eating has slowed down tremendously, though you can't tell! He'd rather nurse instead, thank you! He's saying "mama" pretty consistently and yells at me frequently. He's throwing almost any object you give to him. He can be pretty physical with things. He nearly pegged his newest cousin with a block at dinner the other night. I about died! He wants to know what the big people are eating all the time. I think he's getting wise to the fact that his food looks different than ours. He gets very frustrated that we're not sharing. He's discovered that he can do things with his mouth and lips, as you can tell from the pictures. Most people think he looks much older than he is, especially since he got his hair cut. He's just active and adorable and we continue to enjoy his newest antics and cuteness. Thanks for continuing to make us laugh and smile, Raf. You're such a silly boy!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe how much lighter his hair looks! & I still LOVE the mohawk.

10 months...geez...can you even remember our families before we had these sweet boys??