
The birthday I have yet to blog about

So, I have yet to write about what a great, great, great 5th birthday party Imogen had, but it was an absolute success!  The kids seemed to have a great time, despite the fact that it was HOT, and making sure to invite the ice cream truck to her party was probably a good idea.  What with the "I" theme, ice cream met the criteria, of course!  I got so many compliments on the party but the best part for me was Immy serving all of her friends ice cream from the truck herself.  When she said, "How may I help you today?" to the first customer, I about cried.  Too cute!!!

 So, what with indigo balloons, island music playing, while the kids played on the playground, ate cake, drank lots of ice water, played games like dot the "i" (thank you, Abbi), caught insects (caterpillars mostly), and broke open the ice cream cone pinata, we embraced all things, "I".  With some wonderful help from some of the other parents, the party went very smoothly.  I was so very thankful for the help!  Imogen was so happy with her party that she's still talking about it today, so I'd say it went as well as I thought, too.  The treat bags that the kids received at the end of the party were a BIG hit, especially.  The kids really loved the trick ice cubes with insects in them and the popping ice cream cones (also a form of trickery).  Now, with Hadley and Rafferty's birthdays around the corner, I have to at least attempt to put on a birthday party equally as fun as this one.  Hey, maybe I could even top it IF I don't procrastinate.....
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

It definitely looks like fun! It's times like these, I really wish we lived closer so we could have shared in the fun.

Immy delivered the ice cream?!! How cool! I'm glad you deemed this party a success. It sure looks like Immy enjoyed herself.

5 years old...wow. How exactly do we stop these little ones from growing up?