
Someone's Nearly One

Okay, well, here we are, at almost one whole year! Wowza! So we had Rafferty at the doctor's office last week only to discover that he's not as big as we thought. He weighed 25lbs. 12oz. and was 29.5 inches long and his percentages weren't nearly as big as I expected. Really?! There are other children out there bigger than him? How could this be? I made the nurse weigh him twice because I swore he'd be about 27lbs. or more. Now when I think about it, I could swear he was bigger last time. No wait, maybe he's only gained like 12oz. in a few months?! Could that be right? I have to check but I'm thinking he hasn't gained much, despite the fact that he looks HUGE to me, as always. Anyway, I'm attempting to plan a party for him but this could be a crazy concept since we'll have been in our new place for .... one WHOLE day! I think we'll postpone for a week and celebrate with friends and family thereafter. So that's where we're at. No attempts at walking yet. He's distrustful of all who attempt to help him with this matter. He's a silly one!
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