
First day of school!

Hadley is in SIXTH grade, folks! Crazy! Crazee!  She spend most of the summer getting familiar with the streets of Evanston.  She roamed pretty much freely and went where she pleased with friends.  I think it was a good experience for her and helped her feel comfortable walking to school.  She met up with a bunch of local sixth graders at a local coffee shop and off she went for her first day of middle school.  So grown up!

                                                           Hazel and Hadley.

Ah, the two littlest.  Rafferty started Kindergarten in Mrs. Herford's class (Imogen had her for second grade, I think?).  Imogen has Ms. Davis.

Raf put his stuff in his locker and promptly sat down at his seat and waited patiently.  There were no tears and no panicking from this guy.  It almost seemed like preschool prepared him for this. I was pleasantly surprised. We'll see how the week goes..... 

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