
A Day of Camping

Poor, Imogen.  Double ear infection diagnosis a couple days before our trip for this kidlet.  She was scarce at times, and cried in pain, but we upped the pain meds and the antibiotic kicked in! Whew!

Getting so big.  Such a sweet tweenager!

This little guy lost yet ANOTHER tooth on the bottom this week (pulled it out himself with very little drama and encouragement)! He's really not a baby anymore, and though he hasn't been for some time, losing baby teeth is such a milestone! I wish I could suspend time with these wee ones.

Yes, we camped for a day.  A very last minute trip to Wisconsin to experience the warmer temperatures before winter and because we didn't camp even one time this summer.  So quick, but so worth it.  The kids thrive outdoors and love camping like us, thankfully.  Just the experience, even if for a day, was magical.  We looked at the stars, located some constellations, told ghost stories, made smores and hotdogs, and mom and dad enjoyed some spirits, too.  In the morning, we packed up and came home. We vowed to camp more next year.  It seemed daunting, initially, especially for a day, but really, it was super easy.  The kids have gotten older and we threw some stuff in the car and did wonderfully.  It was so easy, that we realized we really have no excuse not to do it much more often.  Spring can't get here soon enough!

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