
Eight Months

Well, here we are, eight months! Drool city all over again with the man. Moving everywhere! Busy, busy, busy! I could hardly get his attention for the pictures. He's interested in EVERYTHING! Crawling up a storm this last week or two. His pincher grasp is in overdrive. If you've lost an earring, he'll find it for you! He's mild mannered at times and still intense too. He's babbling a lot, mostly in the morning though. He's been known to be loving on occassion, giving out kisses. He would LOVE it if his legs could help him pull up to standing and stay there. He's just dying to get there. He spends a great deal of time on his knees at chairs and coffee tables, exploring the top surface. He's still extremely ticklish. Just grab his thighs and you'll get a snicker. He seems to be having a reaction to food, so were cutting out some things to determine what's causing this reaction. His cheeks are the only place he's getting a rash but it's a pretty good one. Cereal is NOT the problem, I have determined that. I think he may be reacting to carrots, if that's possible. The sun did him some good this week and the rash is almost nonexistant, though he did scratch himself again (hasn't done this in awhile). But back to cereal. He absolutely loves cereal now. Can't get it to his mouth fast enough. Crazy kid. He's still nursing several times a day, usually sleeping through the night now (about 95% of the time), and possibly beginning to slender down a bit. We'll see about this next month at his nine month check-up.

This month promises to be an active one. I think he's making many connections right now.. I've been signing with him for a long time now, but he doesn't seem interested in signing. He doesn't seem to have the patience for it. He cries to get his needs met still. He goes straight to crying most times. Oh, Rafferty..... Such a sweetie, but a definite temper thus far. It will be fun to see how much happens this month, I think. Can't wait to share.
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