
7 Month Update

Oh, 7 months! Can't believe you crept up on us so quickly!  Getting Mister to sit still for these shots was ROUGH!  He's all over the place!  He's such a busy little, er, big guy!  I don't know his stats but am guessing he's about 24lbs. or so, and a half inch or longer since last month.  He's got a bit of a cold and a cough right now but seems to be in pretty decent spirits.  He's pretty accident prone these days.  His head seems to take a hit here and there about every few days.  His crib is be lowered TODAY because he's trying to pull up on furniture now.  It probably should've been done sooner, but I don't think we realized he was capable of supporting himself yet.  He loves to rock back and forth on his hands and knees and threatens to crawl here and there and may make it a stride or two before he goes flat.  He is VERY capable of moving around to see the things he wants to see by way of spinning, pushing himself backwards, and rolling.  He has definitely gotten to the stage where he cannot be trusted to be safe.  He seems to have an affinity for cords and electronics already!  Again, he cannot be trusted!  He loves to swat at things, especially faces.  He loves to rake his nails across every surface, especially the couch.  He's just very physical.  In his highchair, he swings his legs wildly back and forth and laughs out loud.  He still nurses A LOT.  He just isn't that into solids yet.  He really seems offended every time I offer food other than the breast.  I haven't begun to make my own food yet because the only food he's really intrested in thus far is sweet potatoes and I can bake those in the oven and we're good to go.  He basically wastes every thing else only taking a bite or two, gagging, and turning his head away thereafter.  Again, not worried, just find it perplexing.  His sleep schedule is again all over the place.  What with all the travel this last month and being sick with his cough, we're almost back at square one with multiple wakings a night.  We've been trying to stick to the schedule but he's willing to take on the great battle.  He will cry LOUDLY and for a LONG time these last several nights.  So, we'll try again and again until we get it right and I'm confident we will.  It might not be until he moves out, but we will succeed!  Seven months is sure to prove to be very exciting and even more physical.  He gets stronger every day and the personality of Rafferty is very evident now.  He loves to be held most of all, LOVES new faces, and his family, especially watching his busy little sisters.  He's a joy and we love this little guy to pieces!
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