
Tatumn's 8th Grade Graduation

Last week we celebrated Tatumn reaching another big milestone. After this summer, yep, high school. It's crazy. Seeing all the kids at the graduation, it was so surprising to see how much they'd all grown since Tate transferred in fourth grade. Their parents clearly felt the same way, proud of all their accomplishments, disbelieving of how big they've become. I'm speechless, as it's flown by all too quickly. I look at Hadley and realize she'll be here, too, before we know it. At least she'll have a great big sister to look up to because she is a good role model. Congratulations, Tatumn. We look forward to all of your future accomplishments and appreciate all you've become and all you do. We love you!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh, tater tot...I remember seeing you in the halls as a wee 1st grader in Lafayette.

& now, HIGH SCHOOL???? shame on you for making me old. :)